Q Control For Mac

macOS (previously known as OS X or Mac OS X) is Apple's operating system for the Mac line of computers. It's a UNIX platform, based on the Darwin kernel, and behaves largely similar to other UNIX-like platforms. The main difference is that X11 is not used as the windowing system. Instead, macOS uses its own native windowing system that is accessible through the Cocoa API.

To download and install Qt for macOS, follow the instructions on the Getting Started with Qt page.

Supported Versions

When talking about version support on macOS, it's important to distinguish between the build environment; the platform you're building on or with, and the target platforms; the platforms you are building for. The following macOS versions are supported.

Target PlatformArchitectureBuild Environment
macOS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15x86_64 and x86_64hXcode 11 (10.15 SDK)

Build Environment

QLC+ is a free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. This project is a fork of the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila that aims to continue the QLC development and to introduce new features. Command + Control + Q. Walking away from your Mac? Tap this shortcut to immediately lock your machine. Touch Bar tip No. If you use a MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar, you can press Shift-Command. Mac keyboards have Option and Command keys where standard PC keyboards have Alt and Windows keys. The keyboards are otherwise pretty similar, but new Mac users will need to understand these different keys. Apple’s Mac keyboards actually do have a Control (Ctrl) key, but the Control key doesn’t function like the Control key on Windows. Holding on to the Control key whilst doing any of the screenshot commands copies – (e.g. Control + Shift + Command + 4) copies the screenshot to your clipboard instead of saving as a file to.

The build environment on macOS is defined entirely by the Xcode version used to build your application. Xcode contains both a toolchain (compiler, linker, and other tools), and a macOS platform-SDK (headers and libraries). Together these define how your application is built.

Note: The version of macOS that you are running Xcode on does not matter. As long as Apple ships a given Xcode version that runs on your operating system, the build environment will be defined by that Xcode version.

Xcode can be downloaded from Apple's developer website (including older versions of Xcode). Once installed, choosing an Xcode installation is done using the xcode-select tool.

You can inspect the globally selected Xcode installation using the same tool.

The xcrun command can then be used to find a particular tool in the toolchain.

or show the platform SDK path used when building.

Target Platforms

Building for macOS utilizes a technique called weak linking that allows you to build your application against the headers and libraries of the latest platform SDK, while still allowing your application to be deployed to macOS versions lower than the SDK version. When the binary is run on a macOS version lower than the SDK it was built with, Qt will check at runtime whether or not a platform feature is available before utilizing it.

In theory this would allow running your application on every single macOS version released, but for practical (and technical) reasons there is a lower limit to this range, known as the deployment target of your application. If the binary is launched on a macOS version below the deployment target macOS or Qt will give an error message and the application will not run.

Qt expresses the deployment target via the QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET qmake variable, which has a default value set via the makespec for macOS. You should not need to change this default, but if needed you can increase it in your project file:

Note: You should not lower the deployment target beyond the default value set by Qt. Post it notes for mac os x 10.10. Doing so will likely lead to crashes at runtime if the binary is then deployed to a macOS version lower than what Qt expected to run on.

By always building against the latest available platform SDK, you ensure that Qt can take advantage of new features introduced in recent versions of macOS.

For more information about SDK-based development on macOS, see Apple's developer documentation.

Opting out of macOS behavior changes

One caveat to using the latest Xcode version and SDK to build your application is that macOS's system frameworks will sometimes decide whether or not to enable behavior changes based on the SDK you built your application with.

For example, when dark-mode was introduced in macOS 10.14 Mojave, macOS would only treat applications built against the 10.14 SDK as supporting dark-mode, and would leave applications built against earlier SDKs with the default light mode look. This technique allows Apple to ensure that binaries built long before the new SDK and operating system was released will still continue to run without regressions on new macOS releases.

Q control for mac osx

A consequence of this is that if Qt has problems dealing with some of these macOS features (dark-mode, layer-backed views), the only way to opt out of them is building with an earlier SDK (the 10.13 SDK, available through Xcode 9). This is a last-resort solution, and should only be applied if your application has no other ways of working around the problem.


By default, Qt is built for x86_64. To build for x86_64h (Haswell). use the QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHSqmake variable. This is selectable at configure time:

QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS can also be specified as a space-delimited list in order to build for multiple architectures simultaneously:

Additional Command-Line Options

On the command-line, applications can be built using qmake and make. Optionally, qmake can generate project files for Xcode with -spec macx-xcode. If you are using the binary package, qmake generates Xcode projects by default; use -spec macx-gcc to generate makefiles. For example:

Configuring with -spec macx-xcode generates an Xcode project file from project.pro. With qmake you do not have to worry about rules for Qt's preprocessors (moc and uic) since qmake automatically handles them and ensures that everything necessary is linked into your application.

Qt does not entirely interact with the development environment (for example plugins to set a file to 'mocable' from within the Xcode user interface).

The result of the build process is an application bundle, which is a directory structure that contains the actual application executable. The application can be launched by double-clicking it in Finder, or by referring directly to its executable from the command line, for example, myApp.app/Contents/MacOS/myApp.

Apps delete for mac firefox. If you wish to have a command-line tool that does not use the GUI for example, moc, uic or ls, you can tell qmake to disable bundle creation from the CONFIG variable in the project file:

Deploying Applications on macOS

macOS applications are typically deployed as self-contained application bundles. The application bundle contains the application executable as well as dependencies such as the Qt libraries, plugins, translations and other resources you may need. Third party libraries like Qt are normally not installed system-wide; each application provides its own copy.

A common way to distribute applications is to provide a compressed disk image (.dmg file) that the user can mount in Finder. The deployment tool, macdeployqt (available from the macOS installers), can be used to create the self-contained bundles, and optionally also create a .dmg archive. Applications can also be distributed through the Mac App Store. Qt 5 aims to stay within the app store sandbox rules. macdeployqt (bin/macdeployqt) can be used as a starting point for app store deployment.

Note: For selling applications in the macOS App Store, special rules apply. In order to pass validation, the application must verify the existence of a valid receipt before executing any code. Since this is a copy protection mechanism, steps should be taken to avoid common patterns and obfuscate the code that validates the receipt as much as possible. Thus, this cannot be automated by Qt, but requires some platform-specific code written specifically for the application itself. More information can be found in Apple's documentation.

macOS Issues

The page below covers specific issues and recommendations for creating macOS applications.

Where to Go from Here

We invite you to explore the rest of Qt. We prepared overviews to help you decide which APIs to use and our examples demonstrate how to use our API.

  • Qt Overviews - list of topics about application development
  • Examples and Tutorials - code samples and tutorials
  • Qt Reference Pages - a listing of C++ and QML APIs

Qt's vibrant and active community site, http://qt.io houses a wiki, a forum, and additional learning guides and presentations.

© 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

See also : Mouse shortcuts | List and export of all Keyboard Shortcuts

  • 4Powerful keyboard modifiers actions

Function Keys

Show Help Manual F1
Toggle Properties Palette F2
Toggle Style Editor dialog F3
Toggle Layers Palette F6
Toggle All Guides F11
Toggle All palettes F12

Control, Shift, Alt Keys

FunctionShortcutfor Scribus 1.5 (when different)
Select All Control-A
Deselect All Control-Shift-A
Copy Control-C
Get Text or Image Control-D
Item Duplicate Control-Alt-Shift-D
Search and Replace Control-F
Lock Item Control-L
Lock Item Size Control-Shift-L
Group Items Control-G
Document Information Control-I
Delete Item Control-K
New File Control-N
Open File Control-O
Print Control-P
Quit Control-Q
Save Control-S
Save As Control-Shift-S
Ungroup Item Control-Shift-G
Paste Control-V
Close File Control-W
Cut Control-X
Edit with Story Editor Control-Y Control-T
Undo Control-Z
Redo Control-Shift-Z
Select All Control-A
DeSelect All Control-Shift-A
Zoom to fit Control-0
Zoom to 100% Control-1
Zoom In Control-Plus
Zoom Out Control-Minus
Zoom In/Out Control-Mousewheel
Smart Hyphen Control-Shift-Minus
Non Breaking Space Control-Space
Insert Page Number Control-Alt-Shift-P
Raise Control-Home
Lower Control-End
Raise to top Home
Lower to bottom End
Frame Break Control-Return
Column Break Control-Shift-Return
Stacked Objects, next in Z-order Control-Shift-LMouse
Resizing object when other object on top Control-drag
Resize proportionally Control-drag
Move image in image frame without entering frame edit mode Control-Alt-drag
Move frame/group with X/Y constrained Control-drag
Rotate a line or when creating a line, constrain the angle of rotation Control-drag and rotate
Rotate an existing item on the page other than a line and constrain the angle of rotation Control-drag and rotate
Resize to a square Shift-drag
New Line Shift-Return
Scale text Alt-Shift-drag
Scale text proportionally Alt-Control-drag
Move item 1 unit (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Arrow keys
Move item 0.1 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Shift+Arrow keys
Move item 10 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Control+Arrow keys
Move item 0.01 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Control+Shift+Arrow keys
Resize item 1 unit outwards (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Alt+Arrow keys
Resize item 1 unit inwards(current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Shift+Alt+Arrow keys
Move to start of paragraph in text edit mode on canvas Control Up Arrow
Move to end of paragraph in text edit mode on canvas Control Down Arrow
Move to start of frame in text edit mode on canvas Control Page Up
Move to end of frame in text edit mode on canvas Control Page Down
Resize image while in image frame edit mode on canvas Alt+Arrow keys

Normal Keys Shortcuts

A Insert Table Frame
B Insert Bezier Curve
C Select (Temporary until the rest are sorted out)
E Edit Contents (text in a text frame, or image location in an image frame)
F Insert Freehand Line
I Insert Image Frame
N Link Text Frame
L Insert Line
P Insert Polygon
R Rotate
S Insert Shape
T Insert Text Frame
U Unlink Text Frame
Z Zoom

Powerful keyboard modifiers actions

Quite standard for Linux applications

  • CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL UP or DOWN enables to quickly zoom in or out
  • CTRL + MOUSEDRAG on the canvas enables to move the current viewport

Q Control For Mac Shortcut

Specific to Scribus

  • When in Text edit mode : 1) DOUCLE CLICK on a letter part of a word will select the whole word. 2) CTRL+DOUBLE CLICK will select the whole paragraph
  • In the style edition dialog, when selecting a font, a very long menu has to be scrolled through all installed fonts. CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL enables to scroll one whole screen down or up.
  • When in Image Editing mode (double click on an image frame first), SHIFT + MOUSEDRAG enables to rotate the image
  • Not a keyboard modifier but worth noting : the measure inputs in the Property Palette accept mathematical operations (Example : 132+48 for width, or 43+180 for rotation, or even (2*3)+1 for height)
This article needs to be cleaned up. Please update the information, remove factual errors, refresh category data, or correct the hyperlinks.


  • Clean up this page
  • Implement as a plugin https://github.com/cpyxis/Scribus-InDesignKeys
  • Create a useful ShortCutMapper for Scribus: http://waldobronchart.github.io/ShortcutMapper/ (How to add shortcuts for a new Application)
  • Relate Keyboard_shortcuts as well

Q Control For Mac Osx

Good momentum for this with the latest commits for pg-up/down button (http://scribus.net/websvn/revision.php?repname=Scribus&path=%2F&isdir=1&rev=19178) and adding standard OS X shortcut keys (http://scribus.net/websvn/revision.php?repname=Scribus&path=%2F&isdir=1&rev=19180)
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